Demanding Joint Custody of Children
Takanori Hashimoto, Daisuke Nakano, Akira Ueno, Vincent Fichot and Tommaso Perina
12:00-13:00 Tuesday, June 1, 2021
Press Conference: Demanding Joint Custody of Children | FCCJ
Demanding Joint Custody of Children Takanori Hashimoto, Dai...
Parental Child Abduction - 共同養育支援法 全国連絡会
こんにちは 6月1日、FCCJ(外国特派員協会)で記者会見を致します。 Press Conference: Demand...
橋本崇載、世界に向けてかましてきました。Press Conference: Demanding Joint Custody of Children https://t.co/LcsqII75V5 @YouTubeより
— 橋本崇載 (@PoDJY2QWOE3dMqv) June 1, 2021
Today we held a press conference on Child abduction in Japan. Here is a brief on our actions. I strongly suggest watching the video from the beginning that highlights the collusion between the judicial branch and private sector in Japan… https://t.co/oJMGxDqHVS
— vincent Fichot (@FichotVincent) June 1, 2021